200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
200-hour yoga teacher training is open to all participants with the holistic approach to Yogic Science under the guidance of competent yoga masters. Himalayan Yoga Ashram offers you a profound knowledge of Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Yoga Nidra and Ayurveda.
200 hours Yoga Teacher Training
The growing interest in yoga & meditation in the world attracts more and more people to adapt this practice as a daily routine in their life. With the increasing demands of learning yoga & meditation, we need great yoga trainers. The best way to become a yoga instructor is to learn the yoga & meditation practices from a recognized yoga teacher training center.
200 hours Yoga Teacher Training course offered by Triguna Yoga, is one of the best programs to become a yoga instructor to help others learn yoga. This course helps you to take your yoga practices to the next level at which you will be able to share your knowledge & experiences with others. Once you complete your 200 hours yoga teacher training course, you will be received a certificate name RYT-200 recognized by Yoga alliance USA i.e. Yoga Alliance Certification and will be internationally recognized yoga teacher. Also, you will be eligible to enroll in the next levels program of Yoga Teacher Training.
At Divya Himalaya Yoga Center, a yoga teacher training center in Rishikesh, we aim to teach yoga & meditation in its purest and traditional form. Our 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training program will cover all the foundational concepts, knowledge and practices of yoga & meditation. Our 200 Hour TTC Syllabus has in-depth concentration on the topics of Hatha & Ashtanga Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali. These systems together form the fundamental concept of psycho-energetic therapeutic systems of Yoga.
In our 200 hours of yoga TTC, one of the major focuses is on “Yoga Teaching Methodology” which unfortunately is not taught at other yoga centers in Rishikesh India.
200 Hours Yoga TTC Syllabus
Our 200 hours yoga teacher training syllabus includes following
- Concepts of Human Anatomy-physiology & psychology from Yogic Philosophy
- Theories of Yoga Philosophy, Ideas and Hypothesis
- Learning the process of Confidence-building through practice teaching
- Learning Asanas Sanskrit Names and terminology and Postures
- Position of Yoga Asana (proper alignment, variations, modifications with ability to minimize the risk of injuries and Hands-on adjustments)
- The Art of sequencing and improvisation in the class
- Observation with specific angles related to a posture
- Logical use of props to help improve practice at its early stages
- Cultivation of Command through voice modulations
- The ethics & spirituality with Yoga Business

Becoming an Effective Yoga Teacher with 200 Yoga TTC
The Yoga Teaching Methodology is a major part of the syllabus. This includes topics, such as elements of Effective Class Presentation, Effective Class Management and Business Aspects of Teaching Yoga. Once you acquire Yoga teacher certification, you own a lot of responsibilities, not simply as an instructor in a class but also holding a challenge of becoming an inspiration, a role model and an accomplished technician of yogic teaching.
At Divya Himalaya Yoga School, we believe that only learning a set of asanas and meditation sessions do not make you an effective teacher. We encourage our students to focus not only on the theory of class teachings, but also learn about the discipline and ethics of a Yoga teacher. Apart from teaching the technical aspects of class teaching, we prepare very interactive and vibrant discussions on various aspects of yogic lifestyle and ethics of yoga teachers.
200 Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus
- Yoga Philosophy - Its Origin, History, Scientific Approach of Healing and Application in Modern Life
- Practices of Yoga Asanas (correct alignment, variations, modifications to hands-on adjust your students)
- Introduction of Ashtanga Yoga Asana (Primary Sequence)
- Vedic Terminology of Yoga and Meditation (Sanskrit names of postures, meaning, and translations)
- Yoga Anatomy of Human Body (Relation to Human physiology and postures)
- Introduction of Spiritual facets of Yoga, its tradition and rituals
- Various techniques of Pranayama & Mantra Chanting
- Mudras & Bandhas in Yoga Practice
- Ayurveda and Emotional Blockage Treatment
- Ethics and principles of a Yoga Teacher
- Introduction of Yoga Teaching Methodology
- Karma yoga & its practice in Modern Life.
Our 200 hour yoga teacher training Syllabus is designed in a combination of traditional and modern yoga including meditation and ayurveda combination. During the 28 Days you will learn different yoga poses and after completing the training program you are able to enroll for 200 and higher Yoga Teacher training Program.

Classes Timings
05:30 AM to 06:15 AM Silence Meditation
06:15 AM – 07:15 AM Pranayama and Shatkarma
07:30 AM – 09:00 AM Hatha Yoga
09:00 AM – 09:45 AM Breakfast
10:45 AM – 11:45 PM Yoga Anatomy
12:00 AM – 01:00 PM Yoga Alignment & Adjustment/ Teaching Methodology
01:15 PM – 02:00 PM Lunch
02:30 PM – 03:30 PM Self-Study
03:45 PM – 04:45 PM Yoga Philosophy
05:00 PM – 06:30 PM Ashtanga Yoga
07:00 PM – 08:00 PM Meditation
08.00 PM – 09:00 PM Dinner
Upcoming Classes
Available Seat
1-28 May
1-28 June
1-28 July
1-28 August
1-28 September
1-28 October
1-28 November
1-28 December
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Private RoomCourse Fees INCLUDE
- 27 nights non-AC Accommodation (AC available at additional cost)
- Daily Vegetarian Meals
- Guided Meditation & Pranayama Sessions
- Free Wi-Fi
- Yoga materials during class (i.e. yoga mat, block, etc.)
- Sightseeing near Rishikesh
- Course Certification