21 Days Kundalini Yoga Retreat
This 200 hour teacher training is designed to make you come fully alive again and experience yourself with a great feeling of fresh vitality and clarity of mind.
As preparation for kundalini awakening teacher training requires your body to be strong and your mind peaceful.
You will learn a range of different secret practices for clearing all Nadis and aligning all major and minor chakras.
Teacher Training, Those who practice Kundalini Yoga also often wear white turbans or other head coverings. While optional, head covering are thought to focus your energy at the third eye or Ajna Chakra and create a sense of calm, as well as symbolize your devotion to the practice.

How can Kundalini Yoga help us?
We use Kundalini as a tool to achieve a life full of lightness, joy, and boundless love. Through Kundalini Yoga, you will begin to not only become aware of the geometry of your body, but also see how this practice affects the energy, emotion, and motion in your body, quickly and efficiently.
We all have “locks” in our body where energy is stuck and we are no longer in flow with our mind–body connection, the universe, and our highest potential. Kundalini Yoga pulls the energy at the base of your spine up, all the way through the roof of your crown and outward so that energy can flow and create balance in your energy centers and chakras.
- Together, we’ll walk you through some of the technical parts of this yoga practice, including the breathwork, mantras, kriyas, meditations, and mudras, so you can understand what each of them are and their individual benefits.
- At first, the chanting, breathwork, and some of the postures might feel weird. Yet in order to get the most from this spiritual practice, it is very important to commit to your practice, show up consistently, and come with an open mind.
- Together, we’ll walk you through some of the technical parts of this yoga practice, including the breathwork, mantras, kriyas, meditations, and mudras, so you can understand what each of them are and their individual benefits.
- At first, the chanting, breathwork, and some of the postures might feel weird. Yet in order to get the most from this spiritual practice, it is very important to commit to your practice, show up consistently, and come with an open mind. The most common breath used in Kundalini Yoga is Long Deep Breathing, where you breathe slow and deep in and out through the nose by expanding the stomach out on the inhale and contracting the stomach in on the exhale.
- Every meditation and kriya has a specific breath and posture to help generate or release specific energy. One of the most common and loved breathwork practices in Kundalini Yoga is Breath of Fire. Breath of fire is practiced by breathing rapidly equal parts in and out through the nose by pumping your stomach to create oxygen in your blood and charge your electromagnetic field. Breathwork is a beautiful tool to have when you’re feeling .We use Long Deep Breathing with our left hand over our heart and right over our stomach to instantly soothe our anxieties.
- Kundalini yoga (kuṇḍalinī-yoga) derives from kundalini, defined in tantra as energy that lies within the body, frequently at the navel or the base of the spine. In normative tantric systems kundalini is considered to be dormant until it is activated (as by the practice of yoga) and channeled upward through the central channel in a process of spiritual perfection. Other schools, such as Kashmir Shaivism, teach that there are multiple kundalini energies in different parts of the body which are active and do not require awakening. Kundalini is believed by adherents to be power associated with the divine feminine
- Kundalini Practice (to awake the hidden energy)
- Tantra practices (To unite and balance the shiva and shakti)
- Hatha Yoga (for physical health and flexibility)
- Pranayama (for energy balance and proper breathing)
- Meditation (for calming and relaxing the mind to achieve stillness and stability in our life )
- Bandhas (For awaken the hidden energy and channeling the energy in the proper direction)
- Mudras (Yogic gestures that help you to save your energy so that you can make yourself always happy )
- Philosophy (you can understand your life better and the function of kundalini shakti)
- Satkarma (Detox cleansing will help you to make yourself lighter and open to awake the energy)
06:00 AM – 8:00AM
Traditional Kundalini Yoga
11:45 AM – 12:30 PM
Pranayama & Mantra Chanting
09:15 AM
10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Kundalini Tantra Theory
1 :00 To 2 :00
Yoga & Spritual Anatomy
03:00 PM – 04:00 PM
Yoga Philosophy
04:15 PM – 06:15 PM
Classical Hatha Yoga, Alignment & Adjustment
06:30 PM – 07:30 PM
Kundalini Meditation
6:30 To 7:30
7:30 To 8:30
Course Fees INCLUDE
- 21 nights non-AC Accommodation (AC available at additional cost)
- Daily Vegetarian Meals
- Guided Meditation & Pranayama Sessions
- Free Wi-Fi
- Yoga materials during class (i.e. yoga mat, block, etc.)
- Sightseeing near Rishikesh
- Course Certification